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Answers for Your Personal Injury Law Questions

You're injured, you can't work, and someone else is to blame. Now what? If you are faced with a personal injury case, the right knowledge can make the experience much less stressful. We're here to help you with as many of your questions about personal injury law as we can. Whether you are concerned about finding the right attorney, proving your case, or any of the other frequent questions about personal injury cases, we have answers. We hope our blog will provide a valuable resource for anyone who is filing a personal injury claim for the first time. Check out our posts and get your claim started on the right foot!


Should I Apply For Worker’s Compensation After Falling On A Construction Site?

7 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Accidents that involve falls are very common in the construction industry. Employers are expected to create a safe work environment so that employees do not fall and suffer serious injuries, even if they are also required by law to offer worker's compensation.  Worker's Compensation Coverage Falls are one of the most common causes of an injury on a construction site. If you are more than six feet above the ground, you are at risk of a fall. Read More …

How Long Do You Have To File A Personal Injury Claim?

30 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you've been injured in an accident, it's important to act quickly. Here are some of the deadlines you should be aware of. Your Insurance Claim Deadline Always report any injuries to your insurance company by the deadline in your policy. This is usually a few weeks or a few months. If you don't meet the deadline, your insurance company won't pay you anything or assist with your claim. The reason you need to keep the option of your insurance company paying open is that there's never any guarantee that you'll win your personal injury lawsuit against the other party. Read More …

3 Lesser Known Condition Covered Under Workers’ Compensation

7 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Workers' compensation insurance is designed to help cover the costs associated with suffering from a workplace injury. However, it can be difficult to understand what type of injury is and is not covered. Here are some lesser-known conditions that are important to know about when it comes to being covered for a workplace-related injury. Repetitive Motion Injuries All injuries do not have to be directly related to a sudden accident that can cause an injury. Read More …

Does A Personal Injury Lawyer Also Handle Auto Damage Claims?

31 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

After your auto accident, getting compensation for your injury is the primary focus of most auto accident attorneys. But, in many cases where you're badly injured, your car also suffered. If you're stuck without a vehicle because of damaged sustained in your auto accident, it's important to know how you can get vehicle compensation and get back on the road fast. Read on to learn whether your personal injury lawyer will also handle your auto damage claim. Read More …

Three Circumstances That Necessitate Contacting A Workers Compensation Attorney

26 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Workers' compensation is a form of insurance that is designed to protect workers who have been injured on the job. If you have been injured while working, you will find this insurance valuable. For most people, the process of filing a claim is easy. You receive benefits for a short period of time while you heal, and then you go back to work. Of course, it doesn't always work out like this. Read More …