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Answers for Your Personal Injury Law Questions

You're injured, you can't work, and someone else is to blame. Now what? If you are faced with a personal injury case, the right knowledge can make the experience much less stressful. We're here to help you with as many of your questions about personal injury law as we can. Whether you are concerned about finding the right attorney, proving your case, or any of the other frequent questions about personal injury cases, we have answers. We hope our blog will provide a valuable resource for anyone who is filing a personal injury claim for the first time. Check out our posts and get your claim started on the right foot!


Converting From Freelance To Employee? Watch Out For A Change In Intellectual Property Rights

17 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you're starting a new job as a W-2 employee after years of freelancing, you're in for a lot of changes. Most of these have to do with working conditions and pay, but one, in particular, can be a minefield for people in creative professions who produce written works, music, or similar products. The rights to those products tend to switch to the employer in a W-2 situation instead of staying with the creator because these products are often considered works for hire. Read More …

Dangerous Products In Your Home: Taking Legal Action

16 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

While many have heard the term "buyer beware," that does not mean that product manufacturers hold no responsibility for consumer safety. It is the product makers, not the consumer who uses the product, that need to ensure the product does no harm. When the worst happens and you get hurt by a bad product, the manufacturer may owe you monetary compensation. Read on to find out more. An Educated Consumer Read More …